How old is Patch Adams? When is Patch Adams's birthday? Where is Patch Adams born? Where did Patch Adams grow up from? What's Patch Adams's age?
Patch Adams Born: May 28, 1945 (age 75 years), Washington, D.C., United States
Is Patch Adams married? When did Patch Adams get married? Who's Patch Adams's married to? (Who's Patch Adams's husband / wife)?
Patch Adams Spouse: Susan Parenti (m. 2010), Linda Edquist (m. 1975–1998)
Patch Adams Books only: Gesundheit, House calls, Letters to Patch, MORE
Does Patch Adams have any children? What are the names of Patch Adams's children? What are the ages of Patch Adams's children?
Patch Adams Children: Atomic Zagnut Adams, Lars Zig Edquist Adams
Patch Adams Education: Virginia Commonwealth University Health (1971), MORE